Tuesday, 26 August 2014

Our World War

Our World War

As the commemorations for the First World War get underway it is easy to become quite disillusioned with the plethora of documentaries and events that dominate our screens and social media platforms. However, BBC3 has developed a new way of bringing an old story into the modern age in a way that will engage younger, more apathetic, audiences who cannot fully realise the atrocities of that war.

Our World War is innovative in using archival sources including first-hand accounts of life in the trenches and a new style of capturing the action which encourages the viewer to feel as if they, too, are a part of the battle. It is as if the soldiers are part of a video game and we are watching the recorded result of a gaming battle. This type of interface is more familiar and relevant to younger generations who participate in online and video gaming regularly, something which is used to great effect in each of the three episodes of this mini-series.

As a person who is not all that interested in the military aspects of WWI, I did find myself drawn into the battle sequences and intriguing mix of personal stories and relationships with the computerized display of troop movements and positions. It is a recommended watch for anyone looking for a refreshing retelling of the Great War.

The link for both the episodes and other interactive sources is here: http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p022twsy