Her first public singing performance was behind a halloween mask in the early twentieth century, but soon she was making a name and money for herself, singing professionally in Philadelphia and Baltimore.
She won an Academy Award for her supporting role in Pinky in 1949, and was recognised as the Best Actress by New York Drama Critic's Circle in 1950.

Note: Image shows Ethel Waters singing with Count Basie in Stage Door Canteen
Waters was not open about her sexual affairs with other women, other performers the graced the same stages included Bessie Smith, Ma Rainey, and Alberta Hunter; all famously public about their homosexual affairs.
Waters' one public affair was with a dancer named Ethel Williams, with whom she flirted with on stage, and had notorious lovers spats with.
In the later twentieth-century, Ethel Waters toned down her performances and re-invented herself as an evangelical christian performer.
Source: http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:CountBasieEthelWatersStageDoorCanteen.jpg