I am thrilled to announce our Spring 2010 programme. Not only is Marcel in the poster, but we've got lots of great sessions lined up. The Clinic is next Friday - more details on that from Robyn, but the programme runs thus:
15/1 Clinic - solve all your research problems, with Adam Goodwin (ROLLR), Evelyn Cornell (Library), Penelope Corfield (Royal Holloway), and Lucy Faire (Centre for Urban History) on hand to help out. Evelyn will also be talking about the Historical Directories project at the University.
29/1 Publish or Perish! A masterclass on publishing with Paul Lay, editor of 'History Today'. Jolly useful stuff.
12/2 The Resilient Historian. Richard Hall on resilience for historians. A bit like the public service 'Duck and Cover' videos, I suppose.
26/2 Queer Histories. In a special session for gay history month, two researchers from the English department present papers: one on the Queer Family in Dickens from Holly Furneaux, and the other from David Clark on Male friendships.
12/3 The Secret Lecture. The Mystery Guest. That's all you get for now. Ticket only. The speaker and subject will be announced 24 hours before the start, but it'll be the highlight of the year. Details will follow.
20/3 Training. Finally, step back into the age of steam: all aboard the New History Lab express.
As always, tea and cake at 4:30, history at 5:00, and the pub for free food shortly after 6:00. Much of this is supported by the Graduate School. Any questions to mjn13@le.ac.uk